"sealed with a kiss"
oil on canvas
40 x 50cm
This is a part of a serbian folk story - the golden apple and the nine peahens (peacocks).
"Zlatna jabuka i devet paunica"
But as it is just a part of this story, Im calling it, "sealed with a kiss"...
with love
Absolutelly gorgeous artwork - LOVE IT!
"Svaka ti cast".
Sve najbolje, Vanja xxxooo
Hvala Vanja!!! Drago mi je da ti se svidja :)! kissic!
jezicki savet: peacocks su paunovi, a peahens su paunice...
hvala lepo za informaciju, samo da ako napisem peahens, vecina nece znati o cemu je stvar.. ipak Hvala... napisacu u zagradi
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